My name is Kevin Regan and I’ve been decorating my home since 2001 starting at 257 Christian St in Lowell. I started with some simple gravestones, a fog machine, and my surround sound machine.
I have grown my little horror show gradually adding animated figures, more smoke, lots of lights and sounds to scare even the soundest of people, in 2008 and 2009 we had a couple groups of 30 – 40 people traveling to visit my little horror fest. I even have parents who return long after their children have outgrown Halloween.
For 2010 I moved our horror fest to 50 Lee Rd in Dracut Ma. where severe weather limited the displays but in 2016 I have plans to increase the size of the display here in my new home in Merrimack NH.
This miserable way is taken by the sorry souls of those who lived without disgrace and without praise. They now commingle with the coward angels. – Dante, Inferno.
My name is Kevin Regan and I’ve been decorating my home since 2001 starting at 257 Christian St in Lowell …